Caroline Springs CommunitY
Carols By Candlelight
Th2 2022 Caroline Springs Community Carols By Candlelight was held on Saturday 10 December ! Hosted and organised for the 8th year in row, by local church INChurch Melbourne, and supported by Gold Sponsors Melton City Council, Melton Christian College, MC Labour, WestWaters Hotel and Major Sponsors Yellow Brick Road Home Loans Caroline Springs and Monsoon Print. Fireworks on the Lake provided a spectacular end to the fantastic program..
More than 7,000 local people attended and the night was such a beautiful time for the local community to come together to share in the hope, joy and peace that is the Christmas season.
Craig Maher, Senior Pastor of INChurch Melbourne, said, “We are so grateful for the support of our gold and major sponsors - without their support we could not have put on this outstanding event. It was such a joy to see people retuning again to CS Carols and those coming for the very first time. I am so proud of our INChurch Team who worked so hard to ensure that the whole community had a fabulous evening of singing, joy and experienced the wonder of Christ being born for us to demonstrate God’s love for each and every person. It’s such an honour for us to host and organise this growing community event.”